Sikkim Lunch Program
It makes sense for the hostel children to eat at the school, rather than walking back and forth at lunch time. The local children had to walk home for lunch. The lunch the mothers could provide for the local children was meagre in the extreme; the children were not getting enough nutrition to be able to concentrate; they were often late back to school because of the distances and missed part of the afternoon classes; their mothers could not work because they had to be at home to feed their children. TRAS agreed to fund this lunch program, and the children are now better fed, the school results are better, the children are healthier and the mothers of the local children are able to do other work. Lama Paljor is hoping to come up with a long-term solution which includes building a greenhouse so that fresh veggies will be available year round.
Tibetan Socks supports this program in partnership with TRAS (Trans-Himalayan Aid Society. TRAS is a small not-for-profit society based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. It started supporting Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal in 1962, and has continued to help them and their Indian and Nepalese village neighbours. TRAS has supported a wide range of projects, building schools, clinics and housing, supporting agriculture, forestry and traditional handicrafts. Their aim is to improve the lives of Himalayan children and youth through education, vocational training and good health.